What Inspired me to create This Life List?


Launching from the platform over Kuta Beach

At the age of 47 I had a moment of reflection. Actually it was more of an emotional breakdown.

I am living the  Australian  dream, I have a loving family, own my home, have a good job, I’m healthy and still playing soccer on the weekends. What is missing? Why aren’t I content?

To find the answer I reflected on my happiest moments in life, and an overriding theme emerged. I love new experiences! Everything remembered from learning to surf, travelling, the birth of my daughter, trying of foods and meeting people was all about experiencing something new.

A quick web search made me realise i’m not alone, from studies by Lifehacker to articles by Wanderlust and an article stretching back to 1988 by The New York Times confirms people need excitement in their life.

My excitement comes from experiencing NEW.  

I like NEW.

NEW is exciting, NEW has the potential to be anything.

NEW people, NEW places, NEW foods, NEW adventures….I need NEW!

Right then and there I started making a list for this life of new experiences I wanted to have. The list started small and grew very quickly into THIS LIFE LIST.

THIS LIFE LIST will be different for everyone, some like me want adventure and excitement, others may want solitude and spirituality or arts and culture, the important thing is you have a list for THIS LIFE, as we only get one shot at it!

Follow my journey as I look to embrace all that THIS LIFE has to offer through as many different, unique, difficult, strange and exciting experiences as I can.

That is my Story. What’s yours?

Lee on top of Uluru completing some of This Life List


I hope I inspire YOU to write your own list and live your life to its fullest.


If you want to unlock the strategies to create and follow through with your Life List take the 7 day SMART Goal Setting Challenge today.